Tobi Delbruck Wiki
Back to Tobi Delbruck home. (This wiki holds newer material).
- teaching - List of courses taught fully or in part by Delbruck
- Bio-inspired (electronic) Vision
- Slides from Workshop on Bio-inspired electronics in Symposium on VLSI, Kyoto, Japan, June 14, 2011, organized by Michael Flynn (Univ. of Michigan) and Makoto Ikeda (Univ. of Tokyo).
Has material from Yagi Lab (Osaka Univ.) on their Intelligent Vision Sensor (IVS) scanned silicon retina, Linares-Barranco (Sevilla) on their event-based convolution chips, Posch (Austria Inst. of Technology) on the Asynchronous Time-Based Image Sensor (ATIS), Culurciello (Yale), Farabet and LeCunn (New York Univ.) on the lovely neuflow project to build hardware for convolutional networks.
Other material
- Experiences from the EAMTA Summer School for Microelectronics, Cordoba, Brazil.
start.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/29 07:28 by