Vision: Human and Electronic
This material is for Tobi Delbruck's part of the block course on Computational Neuroscience for biology students taught by
Matlab code for experiments
%% loadaerdat; % loads retina data from a recorded .dat file. Raw addreses are allAddr, timestamps in us are allTs %% x=64; y=64; p=1; ra=p+bitshift(x,1)+bitshift(y,8); % compute the raw address of pixel x,y=64,64 with polarity=1 (on) %% ind=find(ra==allAddr); % find the indices of all the spikes from this pixel allTs(ind) % print the timestamps %% iterate of a block of pixels and store the number of spikes from each pixel in a vector c, then histogram these counts c=[]; for i=0:1 for t=48:96 x=t; y=t; p=i; ra=p+bitshift(x,1)+bitshift(y,8); ind=find(ra==allAddr); res=allTs(ind); c=[c length(ind)]; end end
blockcourseneuroscience.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/29 07:28 by