Here are the main.c and code for a working project for lab_3. You can download the AVR32 project (the device side) as


// RGG LED main.c
#include "compiler.h"
#include "preprocessor.h"
#include "pm.h"
#include "gpio.h"
#include "pwm.h"
#include "adc.h"
#include "dsp.h"
#include "tc.h"
//#include "print_funcs.h"
#include "intc.h"
#include "power_clocks_lib.h"
#include "conf_usb.h"
#include "usb_task.h"
#include "usb_drv.h"
#include "usb_descriptors.h"
#include "usb_standard_request.h"
#include "device_task.h"
// RGB LED and servo PWM defines
#define cR 					0
#define cG 					1
#define cB 					2
#define cServo				3 // indexes into channel arrays
#define R_PWM_PIN			AVR32_PWM_1_0_PIN  // PA08
#define R_PWM_CHANNEL_ID	1
// note we skip PWM[2]=pin 25 because it is used by default fuse settings and DFU bootloader code as DFU launcher input pin
#define G_PWM_PIN			AVR32_PWM_3_0_PIN // PA14
#define G_PWM_CHANNEL_ID	3
#define B_PWM_PIN			AVR32_PWM_4_0_PIN // PA15
#define B_PWM_CHANNEL_ID	4
static pwm_opt_t pwm_opt;
static avr32_pwm_channel_t pwm_channel[4];
static unsigned int channel_id[4];
#define TTT 4 // defines how to multiply PWM period and duty cycle values for the RGB LED PWM channels.  4 gives 4kHz frequency.
// Timer / Counter, used to generate interrupt for ADC sampling
#  define EXAMPLE_TC                  (&AVR32_TC)
#  define EXAMPLE_TC_IRQ              AVR32_TC_IRQ0
#define FADC 10000 // desired ADC sample rate in Hz
#define TC_CHANNEL    0
volatile U32 tc_tick = 0; // counts samples
volatile bool takeSampleNow=TRUE; // ISR sets to tell main loop to sample ADC
int dspCounter=0; // used to count signal processing steps for audMean, so that meanSq power estimate filtering can occur at intervals of TAU2
// adc
#define ADC_CHANNEL     0
#define ADC_PIN         AVR32_ADC_AD_0_PIN  // PA03, used by LDR on bronze board or hacked copper board
// Signal processing:
long audMean=0; // holds mean mic signal, for high pass filtering
long meanSq=0; // holds mean square audio signal
long maxSq=0; // holds max, for clipping detection
unsigned int servo; // the computed servo signal, ranging from 1000-2000 us
bool initialized=0; // flags if filters have been initialized
#define NTAU1 6 // 'time constant' in samples is 2^TAU1 of  high pass filter for mean audio level. Actual RC time constant is deltaT*(2^TAU1) e.g. 25ms for TAU1=8 and fsample=10kHz.
#define TAU2 64 // 'time constant' in samples of  lowpass second filter as multiple of time constant of highpass filter
// servo
#define FSERVOUPDATE 100 // update rate for servo pulse width in main loop in Hz
#define SERVO_PIN			AVR32_PWM_6_0_PIN // PWM_6_0 is PA19
#define SERVO_MID 			773 // counts to get 1500us pulse width
#define SERVO_MULT			0.5156 // for static calculations; multiply us by this to get cdty count
// USB
static U32 sof_cnt; // start-of-frame counts, get one every ms
static U8 in_data_length;
static U8 in_buf[EP_SIZE_TEMP1]; // 64 byte data buffer for in packet (to host)
static U8 out_data_length;
static U8 out_buf[EP_SIZE_TEMP2]; // data buffer for out packet, from host
// clock setup
#define FOSC0           12000000                              //!< Osc0 frequency: Hz.
#define FPBA			(FOSC0*11/2/2)	// from power manager clock setup = 33MHz
#define OSC0_STARTUP    AVR32_PM_OSCCTRL0_STARTUP_2048_RCOSC  //!< Osc0 startup time: RCOsc periods.
void init_clock() {
	// source: gpio_local_bus_example.c
	// Initialize domain clocks (CPU, HSB, PBA and PBB) to the max frequency available
	// without flash wait states.
	// Some of the registers in the GPIO module are mapped onto the CPU local bus.
	// To ensure maximum transfer speed and cycle determinism, any slaves being
	// addressed by the CPU on the local bus must be able to receive and transmit
	// data on the bus at CPU clock speeds. The consequences of this is that the
	// GPIO module has to run at the CPU clock frequency when local bus transfers
	// are being performed => we want fPBA = fCPU.
	// Switch the main clock source to Osc0.
	pm_switch_to_osc0(&AVR32_PM, FOSC0, OSC0_STARTUP);
	// Setup PLL0 on Osc0, mul=10 ,no divisor, lockcount=16: 12Mhzx11 = 132MHz output
	pm_pll_setup(&AVR32_PM, 0, // pll.
			10, // mul.
			1, // div.
			0, // osc.
			16); // lockcount.
	// PLL output VCO frequency is 132MHz.
	// We divide it by 2 with the pll_div2=1 to get a main clock at 66MHz.
	pm_pll_set_option(&AVR32_PM, 0, // pll.
			1, // pll_freq.
			1, // pll_div2.
			0); // pll_wbwdisable.
	// Enable the PLL.
	pm_pll_enable(&AVR32_PM, 0);
	// Wait until the PLL output is stable.
	// Configure each clock domain to use the main clock divided by 2
	// => fCPU = fPBA = fPBB = 33MHz.
	pm_cksel(&AVR32_PM, 1, // pbadiv.
			0, // pbasel.
			1, // pbbdiv.
			0, // pbbsel.
			1, // hsbdiv=cpudiv
			0); // hsbsel=cpusel
	// Switch the main clock source to PLL0.
	pm_switch_to_clock(&AVR32_PM, AVR32_PM_MCCTRL_MCSEL_PLL0);
// PWM setup
// PWM setup
void init_pwm() {
	// set PWM GPIOs
	gpio_enable_module_pin(R_PWM_PIN, R_PWM_FUNCTION);
	gpio_enable_module_pin(G_PWM_PIN, G_PWM_FUNCTION);
	gpio_enable_module_pin(B_PWM_PIN, B_PWM_FUNCTION);
	gpio_enable_module_pin(SERVO_PIN, SERVO_PWM_FUNCTION);
	// PWM controller configuration.
	pwm_opt.diva = AVR32_PWM_DIVA_CLK_OFF; // no divider
	pwm_opt.divb = AVR32_PWM_DIVB_CLK_OFF;
	pwm_opt.prea = AVR32_PWM_PREA_MCK; // no prescaler for div a or b
	pwm_opt.preb = AVR32_PWM_PREB_MCK;
	// init pwm globals
	channel_id[cR] = R_PWM_CHANNEL_ID;
	channel_id[cG] = G_PWM_CHANNEL_ID;
	channel_id[cB] = B_PWM_CHANNEL_ID;
	channel_id[cServo] = SERVO_PWM_CHANNEL_ID;
	// the core runs at 33MHz (see init_clock()). Therefore we get PWM base clock of 33Mhz.
	// Then we divide this down by powers of 2 and supply 20 bit count values for the period and duty cycle.
	// We observe that the LED frequency is 4kHz.
	// The LED channels are set up to use 33 MHz/2 clock source, and count to 256<<4=4096 for the period.
	// Therefore we expect that the frequency is 33M/2/4k=4.028kHz.  This is exactly what we observe.
	// To get a reasonable servo pulse frequency of 200Hz, we use for the servo channel a further division by 32 to get
	// a frequency of 4.028kHz/32=125.9Hz.  Therefore we use a prescaler of 64 instead of 2.
	unsigned int c;
	for (c = cR; c <= cB; c++) {
		pwm_channel[c].CMR.calg = PWM_MODE_LEFT_ALIGNED; // Channel mode.
		pwm_channel[c].CMR.cpol = PWM_POLARITY_HIGH; // Channel polarity.
		pwm_channel[c].CMR.cpd = PWM_UPDATE_DUTY; // Not used the first time.
		pwm_channel[c].CMR.cpre = AVR32_PWM_CPRE_MCK_DIV_2; // Channel prescaler.
		pwm_channel[c].cdty = 0; // Channel duty cycle, should be < CPRD.
		pwm_channel[c].cprd = (256 << TTT); // Channel period.
		pwm_channel[c].cupd = 0; // Channel update is not used here.
		pwm_channel_init(channel_id[c], &pwm_channel[c]);
	// servo channel
	// the duty cycle units here are in units of the prescaled clock period which is 64/33MHz=1.939us.
	// Therefore to get X us we need to supply X/1.939 counts to cdty, or approximately X/2 counts.
	// Therefore to get 1500us we need to supply 773  counts or about 750 counts.
	pwm_channel[cServo].CMR.calg = PWM_MODE_LEFT_ALIGNED; // Channel mode.
	pwm_channel[cServo].CMR.cpol = PWM_POLARITY_HIGH; // Channel polarity.
	pwm_channel[cServo].CMR.cpd = PWM_UPDATE_DUTY; // Not used the first time.
	pwm_channel[cServo].CMR.cpre = AVR32_PWM_CPRE_MCK_DIV_64; // Channel prescaler - should give 125.9Hz
	pwm_channel[cServo].cdty = 0; // start at zero to leave servo disabled if it was disabled and is digital servo with annoying whine. // SERVO_MID; // Channel duty cycle, should be < CPRD.
	pwm_channel[cServo].cprd = (256 << TTT); // Channel period.  Use same as LED so that we get 4kHz/32=125.9Hz frequency.
	pwm_channel[cServo].cupd = 0; // Channel update is not used here.
	pwm_channel_init(channel_id[cServo], &pwm_channel[cServo]);
	pwm_start_channels((1 << channel_id[cR]) | (1 << channel_id[cG]) | (1<< channel_id[cB])|(1<<channel_id[cServo]));
// sets RGB LED brightnesses, r,g,b range from 0-255
void set_rgb(U8 r, U8 g, U8 b) {
	U8 c;
	for (c = cR; c <= cB; c++) {
		// Channel duty cycle, should be < CPRD.
		switch (c) {
		case cR:
			pwm_channel[c].cdty = ((U32) r) << TTT;
		case cG:
			pwm_channel[c].cdty = ((U32) g) << TTT;
		case cB:
			pwm_channel[c].cdty = ((U32) b) << TTT;
		pwm_channel_init(channel_id[c], &pwm_channel[c]);
 * Sets the pulse width for the servo output.  1000 to 2000 is servo range.
 * Argument, pulse width in us from 1000 to 2000
void setServoPWUs(U16 us) {
	pwm_channel[cServo].cdty = ((U32) us>>1); // TODO almost correct, double quantity to give almost exactly us, see SERVO_MULT and pwm_init()
	pwm_channel_init(channel_id[cServo], &pwm_channel[cServo]);
// ADC
// initializes ADC for one channel
void init_adc() {
	// GPIO pin/adc-function map.
	static const gpio_map_t ADC_GPIO_MAP = { { ADC_PIN, ADC_FUNCTION } };
	volatile avr32_adc_t *adc = &AVR32_ADC; // ADC IP registers address
	// Assign and enable GPIO pins to the ADC function.
	gpio_enable_module(ADC_GPIO_MAP, sizeof(ADC_GPIO_MAP)
			/ sizeof(ADC_GPIO_MAP[0]));
	// configure ADC
	// Lower the ADC clock to match the ADC characteristics (because we configured
	// the CPU clock to 33MHz, and the ADC clock requires less than 5 MHz for 10 bit ADC,
	// therefore prescale by ;
	// cf. the ADC Characteristic section in the datasheet).
	// TODO These ADC config numbers are wrong currently! |= 0x3 << AVR32_ADC_MR_PRESCAL_OFFSET;
	// Assign the on-board sensors to their ADC channel.
	unsigned short adc_channel = ADC_CHANNEL;
	// Enable the ADC channels.
	adc_enable(adc, adc_channel);
U16 get_adc_value() {
    // launch conversion on all enabled channels
	volatile avr32_adc_t *adc = &AVR32_ADC; // ADC IP registers address
    // get value for the adc channel
    U16 adc_value = adc_get_value(adc, ADC_CHANNEL);
    return adc_value;
// USB
//! @brief This function initializes the hardware/software resources required for device applicative task.
void device_task_init(void) {
	sof_cnt = 0;
	in_data_length = 0;
	out_data_length = 0;
	Usb_enable_sof_interrupt();// enables interrupt every ms for start of frame
//! @brief Entry point of the device applicative task management
//! This function links the device application to the USB bus.
void device_task(void) {
	if (takeSampleNow) {  // flag set in timer ISR
		gpio_local_tgl_gpio_pin(AVR32_PIN_PA11); // debug
		// signal processing
		S16 adcval = (S16)get_adc_value(); // 0-1023=3.3V
		if (initialized)
			audMean = ((adcval-audMean)>>NTAU1)+audMean; // TODO mix old and new value
			audMean = adcval; // init filter with first reading
		if(dspCounter--==0){ // only update meanSq at this interval, so to produce effective time constant that is TAU2 times tau of audMean filtering
			long diff = adcval - audMean; // signed diff of sample from mean
			long sq = diff * diff; // square diff
			if (initialized)
				meanSq = ((sq-meanSq)>>NTAU1)+meanSq; // low pass square diff
				meanSq = sq;
			if (meanSq > maxSq)
				maxSq = meanSq; // not used now
		initialized = 1;
		// we update the servo at FSERVOUPDATE frequency.  Since the FADC is higher, we can count ADC cycles
		// and update the servo only every FADC/FSERVOUPDATE samples
		if (tc_tick % (FADC / FSERVOUPDATE) == 0) {
			servo = (unsigned int) (meanSq >> 3); // send meanSq back to host
			if (servo > 2000)
				servo = 2000;
			else if (servo < 1000)
				servo = 1000;
			setServoPWUs(servo); // sets 1000 to 2000 us
			// only communicate if we are enumerated
			if (!Is_device_enumerated())
			// Load the IN endpoint (to the host PC) with the desired measurement to show on host
			if (Is_usb_in_ready(EP_TEMP_IN)) {
				// store bytes of 32 bit value to buffer...:
				in_buf[0] = 0xFF & (meanSq>>24); // big endian order, MSB goes first in array
				in_buf[1] = 0xff & (meanSq>>16);
				in_buf[2] = 0xFF & (meanSq >> 8);
				in_buf[3] = 0xFF & (meanSq >> 0);
				in_data_length = 4;
				// do magic to send the packet
				usb_write_ep_txpacket(EP_TEMP_IN, in_buf, in_data_length, NULL);
				in_data_length = 0;
			// If we receive something in the OUT endpoint (from the host), use it to set the RGB color
			if (Is_usb_out_received(EP_TEMP_OUT)) {
				gpio_local_tgl_gpio_pin(AVR32_PIN_PA12); // debug data from host
				out_data_length = Usb_byte_count(EP_TEMP_OUT);
				usb_read_ep_rxpacket(EP_TEMP_OUT, out_buf, out_data_length, NULL); // store the received data in out_buf
				// update PWM:
				set_rgb(out_buf[1], out_buf[2], out_buf[3]);
//! @brief usb_sof_action
//! This function increments the sof_cnt counter each time
//! the USB Start-of-Frame interrupt subroutine is executed (1 ms).
//! Useful to manage time delays
void usb_sof_action(void) {
//	gpio_local_tgl_gpio_pin(AVR32_PIN_PA10); // debug, should toggle every ms
/*! \brief TC interrupt - used for AD conversion.
#if defined (__GNUC__)
#elif defined (__ICCAVR32__)
#pragma handler = EXAMPLE_TC_IRQ_GROUP, 1
static void tc_irq(void) {
	// Increment the counter, which is also used to determine servo updates
	// set a flag to tell main loop to take a sample
	takeSampleNow = TRUE;
	// Clear the interrupt flag. This is a side effect of reading the TC SR.
	tc_read_sr(EXAMPLE_TC, TC_CHANNEL);
	// Toggle a GPIO pin (this pin is used as a regular GPIO pin).
	gpio_local_tgl_gpio_pin(AVR32_PIN_PA10); // debug, should toggle at desired sample rate
void init_tc(){
	  // Timer/Counter Options for waveform generation.
	static const tc_waveform_opt_t WAVEFORM_OPT =
	  .channel  = TC_CHANNEL,                        // Channel selection.
	  .bswtrg   = TC_EVT_EFFECT_NOOP,                // Software trigger effect on TIOB.
	  .beevt    = TC_EVT_EFFECT_NOOP,                // External event effect on TIOB.
	  .bcpc     = TC_EVT_EFFECT_NOOP,                // RC compare effect on TIOB.
	  .bcpb     = TC_EVT_EFFECT_NOOP,                // RB compare effect on TIOB.
	  .aswtrg   = TC_EVT_EFFECT_NOOP,                // Software trigger effect on TIOA.
	  .aeevt    = TC_EVT_EFFECT_NOOP,                // External event effect on TIOA.
	  .acpc     = TC_EVT_EFFECT_NOOP,                // RC compare effect on TIOA: toggle.
	  .acpa     = TC_EVT_EFFECT_NOOP,                // RA compare effect on TIOA: toggle (other possibilities are none, set and clear).
	  .wavsel   = TC_WAVEFORM_SEL_UP_MODE_RC_TRIGGER,// Waveform selection: Up mode with automatic trigger(reset) on RC compare.
	  .enetrg   = FALSE,                             // External event trigger enable.
	  .eevt     = 0,                                 // External event selection.
	  .eevtedg  = TC_SEL_NO_EDGE,                    // External event edge selection.
	  .cpcdis   = FALSE,                             // Counter disable when RC compare.
	  .cpcstop  = FALSE,                             // Counter clock stopped with RC compare.
	  .burst    = FALSE,                             // Burst signal selection.
	  .clki     = FALSE,                             // Clock inversion.
	  .tcclks   = TC_CLOCK_SOURCE_TC2                // Internal source clock 2, connected to fPBA/2=15.5MHz.
	//! Timer/counter interrupts.
	static const tc_interrupt_t TC_INTERRUPT =
	  .etrgs = 0, 	//! External trigger interrupt.
	  .ldrbs = 0,	//! RB load interrupt.
	  .ldras = 0,	//! RA load interrupt.
	  .cpcs  = 1,	//! RC compare interrupt.  - generate interrupt with counter reaching Reset Count value (RC)
	  .cpbs  = 0,	//! RB compare interrupt.
	  .cpas  = 0,	//! RA compare interrupt.
	  .lovrs = 0,	//! Load overrun interrupt.
	  .covfs = 0	//! Counter overflow interrupt.
	volatile avr32_tc_t *tc = EXAMPLE_TC;
	// Register the RTC interrupt handler to the interrupt controller.
	INTC_register_interrupt(&tc_irq, EXAMPLE_TC_IRQ, AVR32_INTC_INT0);
	// Initialize the timer/counter.
	tc_init_waveform(tc, &WAVEFORM_OPT); // Initialize the timer/counter waveform.
	// Set the compare triggers for timer/counter (TC).
	// TC counter is 16-bits, with secondary main clock TIMER_CLOCK2 = FPBA clock/2  = 33 MHz/2=15.5MHz.
	// Lowest possible freq is 15.5MHz/(2^16)=236Hz.
	// We want ADC sample rate of FADC Hz.  To get this, we load RC (Reset Counter) value so that
	// TC reaches RC value every 1/FADC s. Therefore we configure TC so that RC=FPBA/FADC.
	// E.g., to get FADC=10kHz, we need RC=15.5MHz/10000=1550.
	// The timer interrupt will then run at 10kHz (verfied on scope).
	// The timer interrupt for debug will toggle PA10 which will result in a square wave at 5kHz (verified).
	tc_write_rc(tc, TC_CHANNEL, (FPBA /2) / FADC); // Set RC value.
	tc_configure_interrupts(tc, TC_CHANNEL, &TC_INTERRUPT);
	// Start the timer/counter.
	tc_start(tc, TC_CHANNEL);
// main
int main() {
	pcl_switch_to_osc(PCL_OSC0, FOSC0, OSC0_STARTUP);
	gpio_local_enable_pin_output_driver(AVR32_PIN_PA10); // we bit bang these for debugging on scope
	while (TRUE) {
	return 0;
// EOF
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os
import array
import usb
import colorsys
import time
import math
busses = usb.busses()
VENDOR = 0x03eb
PRODUCT = 0x2300
EP_IN = 0x81
EP_OUT = 0x02
deltah = 0.0003
T = 0.00
PWMperADC = 100
BAR = 80
tstart = time.time()
def get_device():
    for bus in busses:
        devices = bus.devices
        for dev in devices:
            if dev.idVendor == VENDOR and dev.idProduct == PRODUCT:
                return dev
    return None
vmax = 1
vmin = 2**16
m=.02 # mixing factor for filter
def adc(v):
    global vmax, vmin, m, vavg, vms, initialized, vol
    if vol > vmax: vmax = vol
    if vol < vmin: vmin = vol
    if vmax <= vmin: vmin -= 1
    t = time.time() - tstart
    hz = usbiocnt / t
#    vol=int(255*(vol - vmin) / (vmax - vmin) )
    o = '% 4d Hz  ' % hz
    o+= '% 4d ' % vol
    o += '#' * int( BAR * (vol - vmin) / (vmax - vmin) )
    print o
usbiocnt = 0L
def usbio(dh):
    global usbiocnt, vol
    usbiocnt += 1
    dout = array.array('B', [0]*4)
    dout[0] = 0xFF & 0x00
    dout[1] = 0xFF & (vol) # red
    dout[2] = 0xFF & (vol) # green
    dout[3] = 0xFF & (vol) # blue
    dh.bulkWrite(EP_OUT, dout.tostring())
    #if usbiocnt % PWMperADC == 0:
    if 1:
        din = dh.bulkRead(EP_IN, 4) # read a packet
        l = len(din)
        if l != 4:
            print "unexpected bulk read length: %d" % l
            if usbiocnt % PWMperADC == 0:
                value=(din[0]<<24)+ (din[1]<<16)+ (din[2] << 8) + din[3]
def intcol(v):
    v = int(v*256)
    if v > 255: v = 255
    if v < 0: v = 0
    return v
def micservo(dh):
    global vol
    while 1:
def main():
    dev = get_device()
    dh =
    del dh
    return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.exit( main() )