Courses I teach or contribute to:

Computation in neural systems: biological and computational vision:

A course on the computations performed within the various stages of the visual pathways, from the retina to extrastriate cortical areas.

Consciousness: from philosophy to neuroscience (also called The Neurobiology of Consciousness):

        A seminar focusing on the Neural Correlate of Consciousness (NCC).

Introductory course in Neuroscience I and II:

       A year long course, mandatory for the doctoral students of the Neuroscience Center of Zurich (ZNZ)
       Taught with many other lecturers.

Human Physiology: Central visual pathways.

        Course taught (with many others) to the medical students of the University of Zurich.

Systems Neuroscience

       A graduate course on neural systems, with focus on cortical proccessing of information.



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