Officially, my duties here are
- To develop and maintain the software components of the hardware and software systems used in support of the research carried out at the institute on artificial neural systems;
- To provide support for this software as it is used in the course of research at the institute and elsewhere.
What this has meant in practice over the past few years is that I have mostly worked on hybrid hardware/software, Neuromorphic Engineering projects employing Address-Event protocols (e.g. AER 0.02), such as the ALAVLSI and CAVIAR projects. In particular I wrote, and continue to maintain, Linux drivers for a PCI Address-Event (AE) interface board.
More recently, I have been working on the SECO project with Frederic Zubler and Andreas Hauri (among others) with the goal of interfacing CX3D, a tool for simulating the growth of cerebral cortex in 3D, written in Java, with PCSIM, a tool for simulating the activity of neural circuits, written in C++ and Python.
In 2001/2002, I was working mostly as one of the team of people working on the Institute's project for the Swiss National EXPO.02. I also wrote all of the software, under Prof. Rodney Douglas, for the so-called 'Silicon Cortex' (SCX).
In 2008, I also worked on the institute's contribution to the University of Zürich's 175th anniversary celebration.
Page last updated 2020-05-27